Sunday, July 30, 2006

Catch o the day

July 29, 2006

Well, I put in some time at Black's today, but didn't get a sniff. Great day otherwise. Saw a couple of beans. Saw some franks. Razz OK stupid joke. I do believe its time to explore the other beaches.

Got home and found this im my mail. Evan has been terrorizing the rainbows at home. This one was gorging itself with salmon eggs. Can't wait til he comes down and I can show him what's lurking in the surf. Nice Job Evan!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Art Galarnza?

The resemblance is uncanny

Already look like a fish.
Only a couple more years before I think like one. <0))))>< <

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Shovel Nose!

Black's Beach 07/15/06

Fiona's in town!

Our first time fishin San Diego together. Hit the beach in the morning. Fiona thinks sand crabs are nasty, so I do all the gory stuff. . . girls. We fished the crap out off that beach. Lotsa little perch, 2 corbs, and 1 crazy looking shovel nose guitar fish. Ahhh this is the life.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Corbs in the AM

Black's beach 07/09/2006

My first two corbs, both caught on sand crabs before 8am. I can live with early mornings now.